Marine heatwaves

  • Definition: marine heatwaves occur when ocean temperatures are imuch warmer than normal (above the 90% of the historical data in the area and time of year, so-called marine heat spike) during at least five consecutive days (Hobday et al., 2016).
  • Data: daily near real-time (1/50º) and reprocessed (1/20º) sea surface temperature from the Copernicus Marine Service in the Mediterranean Sea. The reference period for the climatology is 1982-2015.
  • Dtection in real-time (daily bulletin): maps of daily marine heat spikes (for the last available day) and timeseries of regional sea surface temperture and marine heat spike for the current year.
  • Long-term variations (indicators): maps and timeseries of the annual marine heatwaves characteristics (total days, mean and maximum intensity above the 90% threshold, mean duration and frequency) over the last four decades.

    → Consult this variable in the TIAMAT Observatory Cabrera (Balearic Islands) and TIAMAT Observatory Atlantic Islands (Galicia).

  • Daily bulletin

    Maps of daily marine heat spike w.r.t. the 90th percentile of the historical data over the period 1982-2015 for the last available day (left).
    Timeseries of regional daily sea surface temperature and detection of marine heatwaves for the current year (right).

    Marine heatwave indicators (since 1982)

    Total days

    Maps in 2023 (left) and timeseries of regional marine heatwave total days since 1982 to 2023 (right):

    Mean intensity

    Maps in 2023 (left) and timeseries of regional marine heatwave mean intensity since 1982 to 2023 (right):

    Maximum intensity

    Maps in 2023 (left) and timeseries of regional marine heatwave maximum intensity since 1982 to 2023 (right):

    Mean duration

    Maps in 2023 (left) and timeseries of regional marine heatwave mean duration since 1982 to 2023 (right):


    Maps in 2023 (left) and timeseries of regional marine heatwave frequency since 1982 to 2023 (right):