Geoshtrophic currents and kinetic energy

  • Data: daily near real-time and reprocessed data from the Copernicus Marine Service satellite products in the European Seas (L4, 1/8º).
  • Diagnostics: maps and timeseries of regional daily means (since 2020) - monthly means (since 2015) - annual means (since 1993).

    → Consult this variable in the TIAMAT Observatory Cabrera (Balearic Islands) and TIAMAT Observatory Atlantic Islands (Galicia).

  • Daily currents and kinetic energy

    Ocean state (last day)

    Maps of daily geostrophic currents (left) and total kinetic energy (right) for the last available day:

    Ocean variability (since 2020)

    Timeseries of regional daily total kinetic energy since 2020 and the mean over the period 1993-2015.

    Monthly currents and kinetic energy

    Ocean state (last month)

    Maps of monthly geostrophic currents (left) and total kinetic energy (right) for the last available month:

    Ocean variability (since 2015)

    Timeseries of regional monthly total kinetic energy since 2015:

    Annual currents and kinetic energy

    Ocean state (last year)

    Maps of annual geostrophic currents (left) and total kinetic energy (right) for the last available year:

    Ocean variability (since 1993)

    Timeseries of regional annual total kinetic energy since 1993: