Sea surface temperature

  • Data: daily near real-time (1/50º) and reprocessed (1/20º) data from the Copernicus marine Service satellite products in the Atlantic Ocean (L4).
  • Diagnostics: 2D maps and timeseries of regional daily means and monthly means (since 2021) - annual means and trends (since 1982).
  • Extreme events: detection of marine heatwaves through the daily monitoring.

    → Consult this variable in the TIAMAT Observatory Cabrera (Balearic Islands) and TIAMAT Observatory Atlantic Islands (Galicia).

  • Daily temperature

    Ocean state (last day)

    Maps of daily sea surface temperature (left) and sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the period 1982-2015 (right) for the last available day:

    Ocean variability (desde 2021)

    Timeseries of regional daily sea surface temperature for the current year, the last 3 years and the mean over the period 1982-2015.
    Marine heat spikes (when values become higher than 90% of the historical data) are highlighted for the current year.

    Monthly temperature

    Ocean state (last month)

    Maps of monthly sea surface temperature (left) and sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the period 1982-2015 (right) for the last complete monthly:

    Ocean variability (since 2021)

    Timeseries of regional monthly sea surface temperature for the current year, the last 3 years and the mean over the period 1982-2015.

    Annual temperature

    Ocean state (last year)

    Maps of annual sea surface temperature (left) and sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the period 1982-2015 (right) for the last complete year:

    Ocean variability (since 1982)

    Timeseries of regional annual sea surface temperature from 1982 to the last complete year:

    Linear trends

    Trends (1982-2023)

    Map of linear trends of sea surface temperature, computed over the longest period available (from 1982 to the last complete year):
    Timeseries of regional annual sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the period 1982-2015 (from 1982 to the last complete year):