The "Sub-regional Mediterranean Sea Indicators" tool is dedicated to the monitoring and visualization of multivariate and sub-regional ocean indicators in the Mediterranean Sea and around the Balearic Islands (see sub-regions in Figure 1). This operational product consists in providing continuous and timely information about the ocean state and variability from daily (events) to interannual/decadal (climate) scales in a simple way that could be consulted by the scientific community, educators in marine science, decision-makers and environmental agencies.

Figure 1: Bathymetry (in m) in the Mediterranean Sea with the sub-regions (black boxes) and sections (red lines) used for the indicators: eastern and western Mediterranean (EMED and WMED), north-western Mediterranean (NWMED), Balearic Islands region (including the Cabrera Island National Park), Algerian sub-basin, Alboran Sea, Ibiza and Mallorca Channels (IC and MC).

Regions of study:
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Western and eastern sub-basins
  • Balearic Islands, Cabrera Island National Park
  • Adjacents basins of the Balearic Islands

  • Physical and biogeochemical ocean variables of interests:
  • Surface data from satellite products (Copernicus Marine Service)
    (sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, chlorophyll-a concentration, currents, sea level and wind)
  • Vertically integrated data from in situ observations (SOCIB, Met Office)
    (heat and salt contents, mixed layer properties, water mass transports)

  • User-friendly diagnostics (2D map and time series) at various time scales:
  • Daily mean monitoring: ocean weather and extreme event detection
  • Monthly/seasonal monitoring: monthly/seasonal variability
  • Annual mean monitoring: interannual variability and trend

  • Citation Juza, M. and Tintoré, J. (2021). Multivariate sub-regional ocean indicators in the Mediterranean Sea: from event detection to climate change estimations, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:610589,
    Data credits The sub-regional indicators are generated using E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information, Met Office and SOCIB open data.
    Acknowledgments Part of this work is supported by the EuroSea and JERICO-S3 projects. These projects have received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862626 and 871153, respectively.

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