Sea surface temperature

  • Products used: daily near real-time (1/16º) and reprocessed (1/20º) data from the Copernicus Marine Service satellite products in the Mediterranean Sea (L4)
  • Diagnostics: 2D maps and regional time series of daily means and monthly means (since 2022) - seasonal means, annual means and trends (since 1982)
  • Extreme events: additional information on marine heat waves (daily bulletin, indices and long-term evolution)

  • Daily means

    Ocean state (last day)

    Maps of the daily sea surface temperature (left) and sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the daily climatology over 1982-2015 (right) for the last available day:

    Categorizing the daily sea surface temperature (w.r.t. the daily historical records over 1982-2015):

    Ocean variability (2022-2025)

    Timeseries of the sub-regional daily sea surface temperature for the current year, the last 3 years and the daily climatology over 1982-2015.
    Marine heat spikes (MHS, when values become higher than the climatological 90th percentile) are highlighted for the current year.

    Extreme events: additional information on marine heat waves (daily bulletin, indices and long-term evolution).

    Monthly means

    Ocean state (last month)

    Maps of the monthly sea surface temperature (left) and sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the monthly climatology over 1982-2015 (right) for the last complete month:

    Ocean variability (2022-2025)

    Timeseries of the sub-regional monthly sea surface temperature for the current year, the last 3 years and the monthly climatology over 1982-2015:

    Seasonal means

    Ocean state (last season)

    Maps of the seasonal sea surface temperature (left) and sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the seasonal climatology over 1982-2015 (right) for the last complete season:

    Ocean variability (from 1982 to 2024)

    Timeseries of the sub-regional seasonal sea surface temperature from 1982 to the last complete season:

    Annual means

    Ocean state (last year)

    Maps of the annual sea surface temperature (left) and sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the climatology over 1982-2015 (right) for the last complete year:

    Ocean variability (since 1982)

    Timeseries of the sub-regional annual sea surface temperature from 1982 to the last complete year:

    Linear trends

    Ocean trends (over 1982-2024)

    Map of linear trends of sea surface temperature, computed over the longest available period (from 1982 to the last complete year):

    Timeseries of the sub-regional annual sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the climatology over 1982-2015 (from 1982 to the last complete year):

    Timeseries of the sub-regional seasonal sea surface temperature anomaly w.r.t. the climatology over 1982-2015 (from 1982 to the last complete year):