Daily bulletin

The daily bulletin provides near real-time daily maps of sea surface temperature (SST), SST anomaly (SSTA) and marine heat spike (MHS) in the Mediterranean Sea (for the last available day) and time series of sub-regional SST, where MHS are highlighted (over the current year and for the last two years).

Daily maps in the Mediterranean (last day)

Maps of daily satellite-observed SST, SSTA w.r.t. the daily mean climatology and MHS w.r.t. the daily 90th percentile climatology for the last available day:

Sub-regional time series (current year)

Timeseries of the sub-regional daily satellite-observed [obs] and 10-day forecast [mod] SST for the current year, as well as for mean and 90th percentile climatologies. MHS are highlighted.

Sub-regional time series (over the last 3 years)

Timeseries of the sub-regional daily satellite-observed for the last 3 years, as well as mean and 90th percentile climatologies. MHS are highlighted.

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